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Freedom on Deck’s platform, our philosophy, is best laid out one topic at a time:

America – We love our nation and our people of every stripe and demographic. We support our Constitution upon which this nation was built. He that does not support our Constitution is a traitor to our nation. While we would not infringe on anyone’s personal opinions on the Constitution, either for or against, should one not support our Constitution, they should not work in any capacity in government, local or federal, as that would be illegal.

We believe in the sovereignty of our nation in that we do not recognize any edicts from any foreign nation(s). On the other hand, treaties and agreements are all fine and good, provided that they do not hurt our citizens in any way.

We believe in strong national security to protect our people and our progeny in perpetuity. Only those who are properly screened and meet the standards of our immigration laws (which need revising) should be admitted into our great nation. The standards should be that the individual loves our nation, loves our Constitution and is able to provide for one’s self and family, and would have merit and value in relation to the general public as a whole.

Whosoever attempts to enter this nation illegally is an invader and should be treated as such, and should be unceremoniously removed.

The U.S. Constitution – We support the U.S. Constitution including the basics: free speech, the right to keep and bear arms, no illegal search or seizure, and equal justice and protection under the law - meaning all Americans, no matter their political ideology or beliefs.

Economic System – We believe in laissez-faire capitalism. Laissez-faire is a French term that translates as "leave alone" - literally: let you do. Only an economic system based on merit and value can truly be free and fair, providing the necessary incentive for growth, innovation and invention - never mind the benefits to self-respect, the family and the expansion of the middle class while simultaneously diminishing the lower class by raising them into the middleclass or higher. This is why we demand full and transparent accountability of government spending and a flat tax. The progressive tax code is a violation of the 14th Amendment – equal protection under the law.

We believe that government should get out of the charity business and leave that to the private sector. Government handouts are political conflicts of interest. "Progressive" as a description of today's Democrats is really just another word for "incremental". As they lead us down their slippery slope of wealth redistribution, we slide ever closer to total communism which has claimed the lives of upwards of a hundred million people over the last century! One need only look at Venezuela to see communism’s most recent national victim.

Sexual Proclivities – While many people observe various religions and doctrines that would preclude certain sexual activities within their own personal lives and families, in general, no governmental laws should be enacted to hinder any sexual activities in which any consenting adults wish to engage, provided they do not involve children or animals.

Abortion – The rights of all must not infringe on the rights of any, even if we’re talking about an unborn, but developing, child of God. Therefore, unless the life of the mother is in jeopardy, the life of the fetus should not be terminated, especially if done as mere birth control. Of course, the pregnant woman may decide to go to term in spite of risking her own life. Insest and rape should also be an area where the pregnant woman decides.

There are birth control methods that don’t involve such drastic measures. This is not an issue of women’s rights because we are not saying that women cannot use birth control or enjoy sex. We’re saying this is an issue of the right to life and the pursuit of happiness as is spelled out in the Declaration of Independence.

Religion/Ideology/Beliefs – We believe in the sanctity of the individual and his or her right to believe anything he or she wants, or of which he or she is convinced. It is the sovereignty of the mind which includes the ability to think freely and to express their opinions freely, whether in word or deed, provided that doing so does not infringe upon anyone else’s rights to do the same.

Any corporation or social media platform which works in concert with government agencies cannot excluded any opinions at all, because that would be an infringement of the First Amendment.

Any corporation or social media platform not working in concert with government agencies, which freely offers a platform by which many (and in some cases over hundreds of millions of people) communicate their opinions, hopes and dreams, cannot then exclude some opinions based on political or religious considerations, unless said corporation or social media platform makes it clearly understood from the outset that their services are strictly for the use of people who share only the point of view of the proprietors of said corporation or social media platform.

God – Freedom on Deck believes in an omnipotent Spirit from which all things were created, and by which all things are sustained, and who holds us to the moral standard of “do unto others as you would have them do unto you”, and to whom we are humbled and owe immense love and gratitude.

We believe this Spirit has created a perfect universe where there is no scarcity or lack. Resources are not dwindling. Aside from the occasional natural disaster or draught, there are more than enough recourses on this planet to provide abundantly for every man, woman and child that has ever, or will ever, exist.

Any troubles in this world that result in lack for anyone are due to the foibles and evils of mankind. Hard work and a positive, grateful attitude are keys to an abundant life.

As for specific doctrinal beliefs based on the Bible, Chet, Brian and CV generally agree, but we're keeping it generalized for this site.

We respect the fact that others have different beliefs, and we encourage our listeners to share their beliefs and to discuss them with one another, and to cordially debate the issues often.